Epping Locality
Epping Community Hub
The Epping Community Hub, High Street, Epping is a one-stop shop for residents to access services for help and advice. Providers offer drop-in sessions at various times in the week. The link below gives you more information www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/community/epping-community-hub see services at the community hub:
Moving forward purposefully and in good health after becoming homeless. CHESS provide accommodation, support and sig-posting to services
The Change Project
121 Interventions and advice to any resident 16yrs+ who want to make positive changes in how they behave in relationships with partners/family/others
Digital Inclusion Project
- Loss of Income
- Illness/Health Barriers
- Need to self-isolate
- Having limited/no access to digital devices/data
In order to access:
- Employment support/skills for life/Banking
- Barclays Bank
- Financial guidance
Changing Pathways
Provides Advocacy and support to survivors of Domestic Abuse
Alzheimer’s Society
Up-to-date Info
Epping Forest Food Bank
Citizens Advice
Ask away
Essex County Council – Adult Social Care
Support designed to maintain and promote independence for disabled people, older people and informal carers.
If an individual has needs that are not eligible, their local authority will support by signposting or connecting to voluntary or local community organisations.
Financial Wellbeing Hub
The Financial Wellbeing Hub at Ninefields Waltham Abbey runs on Tuesdays. It is a one stop shop for residents to access financial advice & support as well as mental health support.
They offer regular workshops to cover digital support/returning to or applying for work, benefits, and budgeting.
Citizens Advice Epping Forest District
T: 01992 561494 (Epping Office)
Adviceline: 03003302107/ Freephone 0808 278 7855
Local information Website: www.citizensadviceefd.org.uk
Online advice public website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
No Assessment or Referral required, just drop in for basic groceries and essentials for you & family.
T 01991 842 642
E info.3food4u@gmail.com
Warm Places offering a warm place to socialise, read a book, take part in activities & be in a warm place to save on their heating at home. Details
Harlow Locality
The Michael Roberts Charitable Trust www.mrct.org.uk
Phoenix Resource Centre Harlow
The Phoenix Resource Centre is a registered charity focusing on the protection & preservation of the environment. They redistribute resources to those in need, for more info see link www.phoenixresourcecentre.co.uk
Harlow Community Hub
Harlow Community Hub provide a one stop shop of direct advice to help those in need. Referrals can be made to each of the hub partners’ services via the Community Hub, which can be reached in a variety of pop up places, the main ones being the Harvey Centre, Harlow Foodbank and Moot Hall, or through self-referral to the helpline or email. Details
Helpline 10.00am to 2.00pm (01279 927005) harlowcommunityhub@rainbowservices.org.uk
The Community Hub is configured as a unique One Stop Shop, designed to give direct advice in the first instance – this is not a signposting service. The emphasis is on giving a quick response based on a holistic approach to people’s problems and needs.
Harlow - Bounty Club
Harlow - Bounty Club www.mrct.org.uk Collects surplus food and makes it available to those on a low income.
Most of the food has up to a week’s use by date on it & is fresh vegetables, fruit, bread, meat, cheese, yoghurts, eggs, salads etc. No Frozen Food.
Start at Bounty Club for weekly shop and if short you’ll have to get it somewhere else.
For £2.50 you get to fill your Bounty Club bag, can be worth £15 - £20
Individuals/Couple membership is £2.50 per visit = 1 Bounty Club bag approx. 15g of food (size of 1.5 Tesco reusable bags)
Family membership is £5 per visit = 2 Bounty Club bags.
Remember to take your Bounty Club bag each time
Harlow Food Bank
www.mrct.org.uk The Foodbank is to help individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food until the appropriate agencies are in a position to assist. Aim is to engage with communities, introducing sustainable projects that enable marginalised people to break through their cycle of poverty.
Harlow -Maybury Open Door
This is a community drop-in, open to all and supports a range of adults including elderly, people with disability, homeless, isolated people and others who just need to venture out and meet new friends.
Bump to Five
Providing essential items for kids in Harlow and the surrounding area, from pregnancy to newborn and up to five years old.
Bump-to-five take in donated items, including pre-loved clothing, cots, buggies and other essentials and gifts them to families who need support. They check, sort and re-distribute to families referred by caring professionals.
Uttlesford Locality
Clothing Bank
Email: uttlesfordclothingbank@gmail.com
Worrying About Money
Aim to support residents in Uttlesford who may be worried about money. Sign-posts a range of local and national routes to help.
An electronic copy of the Uttlesford leaflet can be downloaded here: ifanuk.org/uttlesford-leaflet
An interactive version of the leaflet can be accessed here: www.worryingaboutmoney.co.uk/uttlesford
Uttlesford Foodbank
Uttlesford Foodbank provides emergency food and care parcels to individuals and families during times of crisis. They operate out of our warehouse in Saffron Walden and have collection points for clients in Saffron Walden, Stansted, Dunmow, Thaxted.
How to get help
Get in touch call or email
Worrying About Money
Financial advice and support is available if you’re struggling to make ends meet.
Follow the steps online to find out where to get help in Uttlesford.
Step 1: What is the Problem?
Step 2: What are some Options?
Step 3: Where can I get help with these options?
A list of services are provided and offer free & confidential advice.
Other Support agencies are also available.